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12-song album 2016

Twelve months in the making, this pseudo concept album spews paranoid vitriol with equal parts strangeness and forlorn beauty. This uncompromising vision displays a wide variety of material, both old and new (with updated lyrics), and will take the listener on a dramatic psycho-neurotic trip. This Sigmund Fried collective line-up features twelve different musicians. 


Scott Stratton's life's work.

A masterpiece!

split EP 2012

This effort is the result of a trying, four-year process of recording what was to be a full length album. Yet unreleased outakes show that it would have been just as schizophrenic as ever but with a decidedly mellower bent. Fate had other plans and it became the more concise collaborative release you see here featuring two bands that share many of the same members. Is it Radio Mars? Sigmund Fried? Shows were billed as "Radio/Fried". Confusing to be sure. 


Several collaborators and cameo appearances  spice up this five song collection. No two shows ever featured the same lineup as the various musicians circled in and out of a rotating collective. The same holds true for "Psychobabble", the upcoming Sigmund Fried release due in the Spring of 2016.

Fried Alive! Oct 2013

Fried Alive! Oct 2013

Fried Alive! Oct. 2013

Fried Alive! Oct. 2013



Ancient Antennas

Ancient Antennas

Radio/Fried EP Credits

Radio/Fried EP Credits

Live at LASERIUM 2009

Live at LASERIUM 2009

Scott Stratton (photo: Steve Tracy)

Scott Stratton (photo: Steve Tracy)

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Fried Alive! Oct-2013

Fried Alive! Oct-2013

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